Slasher is an American independent horror film written, produced, and directed by Jonathan Rowan. It also features the talents of Northern Kentucky University alumni. Slasher is a tale of revenge, corruption and murder involving the current employees of the Fresh Air Productionz media company. As the film unfolds, everyone quickly becomes a suspect as buried secrets and lies are exposed. And as a result, places everyone in a dangerous warpath of annihilation...
Slasher tells the story of a media production company by the name of Fresh Air Productionz, who's employees are being stalked by an unforeseen individual. When the employees start disappearing, it soon becomes clear that if anyone is to survive the night, they must discover a dark secret that could possibly destroy them all...
Something is happening to the employees of Fresh Air Productionz. A dark secret from the past, has come back to haunt them. Can this secret be put to rest or will what lies in the shadows, finish them all... Who... Will... Survive... The... Knife...